Management review


Management review is a review with regards to the data quality management system by top management.


Management Review is not a topic in DAMA DMBOK, but it is related to data governance.

The term 'management review' refers to both the review process and the meeting in which the process takes place.


Purposes of management reviews are:

Life cycle


Inputs to the management review are:

  1. Minutes from previous management reviews
  2. The data quality policy, data quality objectives and targets
  3. Results of internal audits and external audits.
  4. The extent to which data quality objectives and the numeric targets were met
  5. Assessment of risk management actions
  6. New or proposed legislation or regulations (context analysis)
  7. External providers and suppliers’ performance
  8. Changing expectations/requirements of relevant stakeholders
  9. Changes in strengths and weakenesses as well as threats and opportunies regarding data quality (context analysis)
Phase Activity
Plan * Prepare inputs.
* Plan data.
Do * Conduct meeting.
* Approve proposals.
* Agree on actions.
* Create minutes.
* Publish minutes
Check * Monitor actions.
* Audit the procedure
* Evaluate the procedure
Act * Change procedure

Outputs of the management review are:

  1. Process improvement actions (including preventive actions)
  2. DQMS improvement actions
  3. Data quality improvement actions
  4. Resource provision actions
  5. Revised business plans and budgets
  6. Change data quality policy and data quality objectives
  7. Management meeting minutes

Characteristics and requirements

Characteristics and requirement of a Management Review are:

Characteristic Requirement
Periodicity The management review is held periodically. At least annualy.
Completeness of the input All inputs are adressed.
Completeness of the output All outputs are adressed.


Management reviewis child ofreview
Management review is element of a management system
Management review evaluates the effectiveness of the management system


Question: Should a management review be held in a specific meeting? Answer: No, a management review can be part of a regular board meeting, but should be documented explicitly (separate minutes for example).

Question: Who should receive the minutes of the meeting? Answer: All action holders should be informed about the actions to be taken.

Question: Is a management review obligatory? Answer: It depends. A management review is obligatory if the organization wants to be certified for ISO 9001. Moreover, a management review makes management responsible for the DQMS, increases support within the organisation and legitimacy of the DQMS. It is a proper element of a management system. So, it is highly recommended.
