A supplier can be internal or external to an organization. [8]
Some data suppliers provide access to data sets for free, some sell data for a fee and some data providers offer a mix of free and fee-based data services. Specific licenses may also apply to the (re)use of supplied data. [1]
A data supplier can also be a data user, see Story.
In case of multiple data deliveries, the conditions for the delivery are recorded in a Data Delivery Agreement (DDA) and includes:[6]
DDA is also called Data Sharing Agreement.
Delivering the data can take place with an Application Programming Interface (API) via webservices. Or data in Excel / Csv files can be transferred by email, via a file transfer tool, etc.
The agreed place can be e.g. a data portal, a data marketplace, a sharepoint or a folder on a virtual machine.
Synonyms for data suppliers are:
Delivering data to data users that will enrich their own data.
Phase | Activity |
Plan | * Select or contact a data supplier. * Establish an agreement with a data supplier (see note 5). |
Do | * Execute the agreement. |
Check | * Review the delivery based on the agreement with the data supplier. |
Act | * Adapt the agreement with the data supplier if necessary. * Not satisfied: Look for an alternative supplier. |
Characteristics and requirement are:
Characteristic | Requirement |
Reliability | The data supplier must provide data in accordance with the conditions agreed in the agreement, e.g., the supplier must deliver the required fields with the required quality. |
Continuity | The data supplier must adhere to the delivery of the data on the dates specified in the agreement. |
Data supplier | is an element of a | data quality management system |
Data supplier | captures conditions in a | data delivery agreement |
Data supplier | delivers data to | data user |
Data supplier | will monitor the | data quality |
Data supplier | will consider | data security |
Data supplier | takes into account | data quality policy |
An example of a data supplier is the Dutch postal company PostNL which provides the zip code table. The PostNL zip code table is used in almost every sector such as by financial institutions, software developers, municipalities and housing corporations.
The PostNL zip code table is used in almost every sector. One important use case for the zip code table is to process current addresses, zip codes and places of residence in a CRM, ERP system or Power BI. This way you are assured of error-free zip code and address data in your organization.[11]
The Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency, known as Kadaster, is a Dutch governmental service. It collects and registers administrative and spatial data concerning, for example, property, buildings, energy labels of houses and underground cables and pipelines. All municipalities make data about addresses and buildings centrally available via the national Basic registration of Addresses and Buildings (in Dutch, this is called “Landelijke Voorziening Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen” (LV BAG)). Municipalities are the source holders of the BAG. They are responsible for including the data in the BAG and for the quality of the data. Kadaster manages the LV BAG and makes the data available to various data users.
Users can download a BAG extract from the Kadaster website, but can also implement the data into their own data environment via an API.
The data in the LV BAG is enriched with data from the PostNL zip code table. The Kadaster is with the LV BAG not only a data supplier, but also a data users.[12]
[1] Snowflake. (z.d.). Data suppliers. Geraadpleegd op 25 januari 2022, van https://www.snowflake.com/guides/data-suppliers
[2] DAMA (2017). DAMA-DMBOK. Data Management Body of Knowledge. 2nd Edition. Technics PublicationsLlc. August 2017.
[3] Data Consumer. (2005, 16 december). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Geraadpleegd op 30 januari 2022, van https://stats.oecd.org/glossary/detail.asp?ID=7039
[4] Synonyms for Data supplier. (z.d.). Power thesaurus. Geraadpleegd op 26 januari 2022, van https://www.powerthesaurus.org/data_supplier/synonyms
[5] Data suppliers definition. (z.d.). law Insider. Geraadpleegd op 24 januari 2022, van https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/data-suppliers
[6] Gegevensleveringsovereenkomst. (z.d.). Nederlandse Overheid Referentie Architectuur. Geraadpleegd op 25 januari 2022, van https://www.noraonline.nl/wiki/Gegevensleveringsovereenkomst
[7] ISO 9000:2015. Quality Management Systems – Requirements.
[8] NEN and ISO. (2015a, oktober). NEN-EN-ISO 9000 - Kwaliteitsmanagementsystemen – Grondbeginselen en verklarende woordenlijst. Van Stockum Boekverkopers.
[9] NEN and ISO. (2015b, oktober). NEN-EN-ISO 9001 - Kwaliteitsmanagementsystemen – Eisen. Van Stockum Boekverkopers.
[10] DAMA Dictionary of Data Management. 2nd Edition 2011. Technics Publications, LLC, New Jersey.
[11] Adressen controleren en aanvullen met de postcodetabel. (z.d.). PostNL. Geraadpleegd op 30 januari 2022, van https://www.postnl.nl/zakelijke-oplossingen/slimme-dataoplossingen/postcodetabel/
[12] Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen - BAG. (z.d.). Kadaster. Geraadpleegd op 30 januari 2022, van https://www.kadaster.nl/zakelijk/registraties/basisregistraties/bag
[13] ISO 9001:2015. Quality Management Systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary.