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data_quality_management_system:management_review [2023/02/26 20:58]
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-===== Management Review ===== 
-=== Introduction === 
-This factsheet describes knowledge about Management Reviews in a nutshell. The Management Review is highlighted from different angles in a structured way.  
-=== Definition=== 
-Management review is a [[general_term:review|review]] with regards to the [[data_quality_management_system:data_quality_management_system|data quality management system]] by top management.  
-Management Review is not a topic in DAMA DMBOK, but it is related to data governance.  
-The term 'management review' refers to both the review process and the meeting in which the process takes place.  
-=== Purpose=== 
-Purposes of management reviews are:  
-  * Determine and evaluate the effectiveness of the [[data_quality_management_system:data_quality_management_system|data quality management system]] (DQMS) 
-  * Determine the need for change and improvement  
-  * Determine the suitability of the [[data_quality_management_system:data_quality_management_system|data quality policy|data quality policy]] and the [[data_quality_management_system:data_quality_management_system|data quality_objective|data quality objectives]].  
-=== Life cycle === 
-Inputs to the management review are:  
-  - Minutes from previous management reviews  
-  - The data quality policy, data quality objectives and targets  
-  - Results of internal/external audits  
-  - The extent to which data quality objectives and the numeric targets were met  
-  - Assessment of risk management actions  
-  - New or proposed legislation or regulations (context analysis)  
-  - External providers and suppliers’ performance  
-  - Changing expectations/requirements of relevant stakeholders  
-  - Changes in strengths and weakenesses as well as threats and opportunies regarding data quality (context analysis) 
-^ Phase  ^ Activity                  ^ 
-| Plan   | * Prepare inputs.         | 
-|        | * Plan data.              | 
-| Do     | * Conduct meeting.        | 
-|        | * Approve proposals.      | 
-|        | * Agree on actions.       | 
-|        | * Create minutes.         | 
-|        | * Publish minutes         | 
-| Check  | * Monitor actions.        | 
-|        | * Audit the procedure     | 
-|        | * Evaluate the procedure  | 
-| Act    | * Change procedure        | 
-Outputs of the management review are:  
-  - Process improvement actions (including preventive actions)  
-  - DQMS improvement actions  
-  - Data quality improvement actions  
-  - Resource provision actions  
-  - Revised business plans and budgets  
-  - Change data quality policy and data quality objectives  
-  - Management meeting minutes  
-=== Characteristics and requirements === 
-Characteristics and requirement of a Management Review are: 
-^ Characteristic              ^ Requirement                                                    ^ 
-| Periodicity                 | The management review is held periodically. At least annualy.  | 
-| Completeness of the input   | All inputs are adressed.                                       | 
-| Completeness of the output  | All outputs are adressed.                                      | 
-=== Relations === 
-Relationships with other elements are:  
-Management review is an element of the [[data_quality_management_system:data_quality_management_system|DQMS]]. 
-Management review evaluates the effectiveness of all elements of the [[data_quality_management_system:data_quality_management_system|DQMS]].  
-=== Questions === 
-**Question**: Should a management review be held in a specific meeting?  **Answer**: No, a management review can be part of a regular board meeting, but should be documented explicitly (separate minutes for example).  
-**Question**: Who should receive the minutes of the meeting? **Answer**: All action holders should be informed about the actions to be taken.  
-**Question**: Is a management review obligatory? **Answer**: It depends. A management review is obligatory if the organization wants to be certified for ISO 9001. Moreover, a management review makes management responsible for the DQMS, increases support within the organisation and legitimacy of the DQMS. It is a proper element of a management system. So, it is highly recommended.  
-=== References === 
-Management review explained [ISO 9001:2015]. (2021). ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 Quality Management Templates.  
-(n.d.). ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 Quality Management Templates.  
-ISO 9000:2015. Quality Management Systems – Requirements.   
-ISO 9001:2015. Quality Management Systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary.  
data_quality_management_system/management_review.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/08 13:33 (external edit)