=====Risk===== ===Definition=== Risk is the [[general_term:effect|effect]] of uncertainty on [[general_term:objective|objectives]]. ===Notes=== * Risk is usually expressed in terms of * Risk sources * Potential events * Their consequences * Their likelihood ===Relation=== |Risk|is child of|[[general_term/effect|effect]]| ===Life cycle=== * Analyse risk. Output: [[general_term/risk_analysis|risk analysis]] * Accept risk * Assess risk * Calcutate risk * Mitigate risk * Reduce risk * Treat risk ===Example=== [[general_term:objective|Objective]] is that 95% of the telephone numbers in de customer file are [[data_quality_dimension/validity|valid]]. However, the front-end application doesn't check the [[data_concept/format|format]] of the telephone number. Therefore, it is uncertain if the customer always properly completes their telephone number. The [[general_term:effect|effect]] of this uncertainty can be, that the [[general_term:objective|objective]] will not be met. ===Reference=== ISO 31000 (2008). Risk management - Principles and guidelines. {{tag>All}}