=====Objective===== ===Definition=== An objective is a short statement of the desired outcome to be accomplished over a short time frame. ===Note== * The timeframe is usually one year. * In the [[general_term/ogsm-model|OGSM-model]] the meaning of objectives and [[general_term/goal|goals]] are reversed. ===Relations=== |Objective| is parent of |[[data_quality_management_system:data_quality_objective|data quality objective]]| |Objective|has simularities with|[[general_term/goal|goals]]| Objective and goals both refer to the desired outcomes that a person or organisation wants to achieve. ===Examples=== * Earn a minimum of 15% return on investment in a fiscal year * Increase the company’s market share to 7% by the end of the next fiscal year * Cut down the operating costs by 10% within two years * Reduce the response time for sales inquiries to 12 hours by the end of this quarter ===Reference=== Indeed. [[https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/difference-between-goals-and-objectives|Difference between goals and objectives]]. {{tag>All DUMS}}