======Data management====== ===Definition=== Data management is [[general_term:management|management]] with regard to [[data_concept:data|data]]. ===DMBOK2=== Data management is the development, execution, and supervision of plans, policies, programs, and practices that deliver, control, protect, and enhance the value of data and information assets throughout their lifecycles. ===Relations=== |Data management|is child of|[[general_term/management|management]]| |Data management| consists of knowledge area|[[general_term:data_governance|data governance]]| |Data management| consists of knowledge area|data modeling & design| |Data management| consists of knowledge area|data storage & operation| |Data management| consists of knowledge area|[[data_management_system/data_security|data security]]| |Data management| consists of knowledge area|data integration & interoperability| |Data management| consists of knowledge area|document & content management| |Data management| consists of knowledge area|[[data_concept:reference_data|reference]] & [[data_concept:master_data|master data]]| |Data management| consists of knowledge area|data warehousing & business intelligence| |Data management| consists of knowledge area|[[data_quality_management_system:metadata|metadata]]| |Data management| consists of knowledge area|[[data_quality_general:data quality|data quality]]| |Data management| consists of knowledge area|[[data_utilization_management_system:data_architecture|data architecture]]| DAMA Wheel with knowledge areas: {{:general_term:dama_wheel_2017.jpg?200 |}}\\ ===References=== * DAMA-DMBOK (2017). Data management body of knowledge. * CMDP. [[https://cdmp.info/about/|About Data management aspirations.]]. Retrieved 2023/03/01. {{tag>All DMBoK2}}