===== Data architecture ===== ===Definition=== Data architecture is the [[general_term/blueprint|blueprint]] that defines how data is managed (stored, organized, integrated, and accessed) within an organization. ===DMBOK2=== Data architecture is identifying the data needs of the enterprise (regardless of structure), and designing and maintaining the master [[general_term/blueprint|blueprints]] to meet those needs. ===Note== Other definitions of data architecture: * The [[general_term/blueprint|blueprint]] for managing data assets by aligning with organizational strategy. * The description of the structure of an organization’s logical and physical data assets and data management resources. * A [[general_term/framework|framework]] for managing data. ===Purpose=== The purpose of data architecture is to establish strategic data [[general_term/requirement|requirements]] and designs to meet those [[general_term/requirement|requirements]]. ===Relation=== | Data architecture | is child of | [[general_term/blueprint|blueprint]] | | Data architecture | is an element of a | [[data_utilization_management_system:data_utilization_management_system|data utilization management system]] | | Data architecture | is an element of a | [[data_quality_general/data_quality_management_system|data quality management system]] | ===Lifecycle=== * Design data architecture * Review data architecture * Establish data architecture * Communicate data architecture * Implement data architecture * Evaluate data architecture * Adapt data architecture ===Characteristics=== * Accessibility * Clarity * Feasability ===Reference=== * What is data architecture? A framework for managing data | CIO. CIO | The voice of IT leadership. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2023.[[https://www.cio.com/article/190941/what-is-data-architecture-a-framework-for-managing-data.html|Internet page]] * Data architectuur. Werkgroep Maturity van DAMA-NL. [[https://dama-nl.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Two-pager-Data-architectuur-DAMA-NL.pdf|Two pager]] * Gandi, Manisha (2023). Data Architecture as Foundation of Digital Transformation/ [[https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/data-architecture-foundation-digital-transformation-manisha-gandhi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android&utm_campaign=share_via|LinkedIn]] {{tag>All DUMS DMBoK2}}