===== Roles and responsibilities ===== === Definition === Roles and responsibilities are two concepts that cannot be summed up in one definition. Therefore, two definitions are formulated. \\ * See [[general_term/role|role]].\\ * See [[general_term/responsibility|responsibility]]. === Purpose === The purpose of roles and responsibilities is to: * Be able to point people to fulfill these roles and responsibilities. * Assemble a team that can perform all necessary data quality tasks. === Life cycle === ^ Phase ^ Activity ^ | Plan | * Identify data quality process activities\\ * Identify what responsibilities are required to perform these activities\\ * Identify the roles required to fulfill these responsibilities | | Do | * Assign the roles to individuals | | Check | * Check whether all responsibilities are covered with these roles\\ * Identify the gap | | Act | * Assign the missing responsibilities to employees | === Characteristics and requirements === ^ Characteristic ^ Requirements ^ | Completeness | All needed responsibilities must be covered in roles to perform the needed data process activities | === Relations === |Roles and responsibilities| are an element of a |[[data_quality_general:data_quality_management_system|data quality management system]]| |Roles and responsibilities|are represented in a|data quality team| {{:data_management:data_quality:roles_and_responsibilities_v3.jpg?650|}} === Content === Managing data quality requires a Data Quality team [1]. The roles needed in this team depends of the used data quality processes. A role that does not appear in any process is not required [3]. The number of roles in a data quality team depends on the company size and, consequently, on the amount of data it manages [5]. The data quality management process consists of input (delivered by data suppliers), data quality activities and output (Deliverables used by data users). In this factsheet, I will focus on the (in different sources) most frequently mentioned data quality team roles and their responsibilities to fulfill needed data quality activities (see picture 1). {{:data_management:data_quality:r_r_data_quality_context_diagram_3.jpg?650|}} Picture 1: DAMA DMBOK v2 – (part of the) Data quality context diagram The most common roles are listed below. Incidentally, it is quite possible that companies combine different responsibilities into one role or assign multiple roles to one person. * [[role/chief_data_officer|Chief data officer]] * [[role/data_owner|Data owner]] * [[role/data_steward|Data steward]] * [[role/data_custodian|Data custodian]] * [[role/data_analyst|Data analyst]] * [[role/data_quality_analyst|Data quality analyst]] * [[role:data_protection_officer|Data protection officer]] * [[role/data_supplier|Data supplier]] * [[role:data_user|Data user]] === Story === When your organization decides to start leveraging its data as an asset, the first thing you should do is build a data quality team. This team of people will be responsible for the quality of the data and the support of data quality activities and initiatives company-wide. A lot of people traditionally think of data quality as a technical person’s concern. In reality, business users have a major part to play on the data quality team. We have seen many organizations start to understand the need for centralized data ownership with the rise of the Chief Data Officer (CDO). One of the first things that should be on a new CDO's agenda is building out a team of individuals that can help elevate data management and data quality on the corporate agenda. A typical data quality team includes the following roles: * [[role/data_owner|Data owner]] * [[role/data_steward|Data steward]] * [[role:data_user|Data users]] * Data producers * [[role/data_analyst|Data analyst]] * [[role/data_custodian|Data custodian]] These roles are responsible for supporting your organization’s data quality initiatives and activities. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to building a data quality team, so explore what will work best for an organization’s culture and needs. Building a strong team that is integrated into the business is the first step in rolling out a broader data governance strategy, which includes people, processes, and technologies that will help an organization proactively manage its data quality [10]. === References === [1] DAMA (2017). DAMA-DMBOK. Data Management Body of Knowledge. 2nd Edition. Technics PublicationsLlc. August 2017. [2] DAMA Dictionary of Data Management. 2nd Edition 2011. Technics Publications, LLC, New Jersey. [3] Treder, M. (2020). The Chief Data Officer Management Handbook - Set Up and Run an Organization’s Data Supply Chain (1st edition). Apress. [4] Data custodian. (2010, 1 augustus). Wikipedia. Geraadpleegd op 10 juli 2022, van https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_custodian [5] Data Quality Management: Roles, Processes, Tools. (2019, 17 oktober). Altexsoft. Geraadpleegd op 1 juli 2022, van https://www.altexsoft.com/blog/data-quality-management-and-tools/ [6] Ziad, Z. (2022, 23 februari). 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